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    János László (Hungary)
    Professor of social psychology at the Univetsity of Pécs and scientific advisor at the Institute for Psychology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.
    Author and editor of several books including The science of stories : An introduction into narratív psychology (Routledge, New York and London, 2008), the first monograph in scientific narrative psychology. He has published more than 50 articles and chapters in English in scholarly journals and books.

    Awards: Lajos Kardos Award, 2005 ; Best scholarly book of the year award of the University of Pécs, 2005 and 2008.

    Email: laszlo@mtapi.hu


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    Jian Guan (P.R. China)
    Associate Professor
    Department of Social Psychology, Nankai University, P. R. China

    Jian Guan studied social psychology at the Nankai University in China, where she obstained her Ph.D. in social psychology in 2005. Her main research areas are in social psychology, social representation, stigma, bias, stereotype and intergroup relation. Her publications include three books and over 30 journal articles. She has translated a book Social Representation: Exploration in the Social Psychology by Serge Moscovici in English into Chinese. Her professional memberships include Chinese Psychological Society (2002-present); Chinese Social Psychological Society (2001- present); Asian Society of Social Psychology (2009-present). As a principal investigator, she received 4 grants from Ministry of Education of China, National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science of China, etc. She received the Park Jung-heun and Jung Tae-gon Young Scholar Adward from Asian Association of Social Psychology in 2009. And now, she is a visiting professor at Seoul National University in South Korea until August, 2010.

    Concact: nkguanjian@yahoo.com.cn; nk_guanjian@hotmail.com

    Postal adress: 94 Weijin Road, Department of Social Psychology, Nankai University, Tianjin, P. R. China

    Postal number: 300071

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    Akop P. Nazaretyan
    Born in 1948, Baku (USSR)
    PhD (psychology, 1978; history, 1990), Full Professor; member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Academy of Cosmonautics, the Amur Geographical Society, and the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (USA). Expert in the Russian Scientific Foundation for the Humanities and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
    Senior Research Professor in the Institute for Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences); Full Professor in the International University “Dubna”, in the Moscow State University (M. Lomonosov), and in the Russian Academy of State Service. Editor-in-Chief in the academic journal “Historical Psychology & Sociology”.

    Phones: +7(495) 382-87-78 (home); (495) 928-35-43 (office); 8-916-390-67-20 (mob).
    Fax: +7(495) 422-43-30
    Home address: Rossoshanskaya – 1 – 1 – 688. Moscow, Russia, 117535.
    E-mail: anazaret@yandex.ru

    I graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages, and the psychology department of the Moscow State University (M.V. Lomonosov).
    In 1971-1973, I completed post-graduate courses in political and historical psychology at the Institute of Social Sciences, and in 1973-1992, I worked as assistant, reader, and Full Professor in the same disciplines, teaching foreign students political and historical psychology and some special courses in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
    In 1978 I defended my Ph.D. thesis in psychology, and in 1990 in historical philosophy.
    In 1992-2001, I worked as deputy editor of the academic journal “Social Sciences Today” and, at the same time, as Full Professor at the Moscow State University, the Russian Academy of State Service and other universities. From 2002 to the present I have worked as Senior Research Professor at the Institute for Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences), Professor at various universities, and the Editor-in Chief of academic journal “Historical Psychology & Sociology”. Besides, I delivered courses at the Centre for Humanist Studies in Buenos Aires (1999), the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, 2003), Amsterdam University (2004), the Anthropological School in Mexico (2005), the National University for Distant Education (Madrid 2009).
    I have published about 270 scientific, didactic, and popular papers (mostly in Russian, but also in English and Spanish), including 8 books. Among these are: “Intelligence in the Universe: origins, formation, and prospects” (1991); “Aggression, Morals, and the Crises in the Development of World Culture. Lectures” (1995; 2nd ed. 1996); “Civilization Crises within the Context of Big (Universal) History: Self-Organization, Psychology, and Forecasts” (2001; 2nd ed. 2004); “Psychology of Collective Behavior” (2001; 2nd ed. 2005); “Aggressive Crowds, Mass Panic and Rumors: Lectures in Social and Political Psychology” (2003); “Anthropology of Violence and Culture of Self-Organization: Essays on Evolutionary Historical Psychology” (2007; 2nd ed. 2008).
    In my scientific work, I have always employed cross-disciplinary approaches, which involved various spheres of professional interest. These have included: social, political and historical psychology, historical sociology and cultural anthropology; methodology and history of science; Big History (human history as a phase in the evolution of the Universe). Particularly, having applied self-organization models, I developed an integral conception of evolution of psycho-cultural nonviolence mechanisms vs. growing violence opportunities as one of the mega-trends in social history and prehistory; this conceptual conclusion has been verified by multiple case studies and comparative indexes and calculations.
    I have published on these subjects with leading publishers of books and journals in Russia, USA, Germany, Armenia, the Netherlands, Italia, Argentina, and Kirgizia.
    At the moment, I am working as Senior Research Professor, as Full Professor at various universities and as editor.
    The courses I deliver in various high schools include: Cultural Anthropology; Political Psychology; Psychology of Collective Behavior (aggressive crowds, mass panic, rumors, etc.); Evolution of Intelligence; Evolution of Social Non-Violence; Big (Universal) History; History and Methodology of Science; Global Ecology.


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    Simona Bealcovschi
    Docteur en anthropologie de l’Université de Montréal avec une spécialisation postdoctorale en immigration a l’Université du Québec, est chercheuse a l’Université de Montréal, Canada.
    Diverses collaborations a des ouvrages collectifs sur l’anthropologie visuelle; enseignement ; collaboration a une douzaine de films ethnographiques; articles et essais sur les technologies de représentation, la sémiotique visuelle, le totalitarisme, les politiques du soi et l’identité transnationale.

    Simona Bealcovschi
    Département d’anthropologie
    Université de Montréal
    C.P. 6128, Succ. centre-ville
    Montréal, Que.
    H3C 3J7


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    Alina Duduciuc (Romania), 35, PhD, is currently lecturer at the College of Communication and Public Relations within the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania, where she teaches Social Psychology and Social Psychology of Advertising at BA and MA level. Since she has received her PhD in Sociology at the University of Bucharest (2010), her research interests revolved around analyzing interpersonal communication and political communication with a social psychology approach. Her publication includes several published books [Duduciuc, A., Ivan, L., Chelcea, S. (2013). Social Psychology: The Human Interaction; Duduciuc, A. (2012). Sociology of Fashion: Clothing Style and Social Desirability; Ivan, L. & Duduciuc. A. (2011) (eds.). Nonverbal Communication and Social Construction] and articles [Duduciuc, A. (2012). Nonverbal Sensitivity and Students’ Motor Performance. In G. Rață and P. Runcan. Applied Social Science: Communication Studies. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing; Duduciuc, A. (2012). Facial discrimination of political candidates and voting behaviour. Sfera Politicii, 168, 41-52. Ivan, L., Duduciuc, Alina. (2011). Social skills, nonverbal sensitivity and academic success. The key role of centrality in student networks for higher grades achievement. Review of Research and Social Intervention, 33, 151-166. Duduciuc, A. and Ţiu, I. (2010). Constitution and Public Opinion: social consensus on the death penalty. Sfera Politicii, 148, 41-52.].

    Additional to her academic activity, Alina Duduciuc has worked as public servant for ten years within the Government of Romania where she acquired extensive experience in policy recommendations. She was also involved in educational programme of the National Agency of Civil Servants providing training in Negotiation and Mediation of Conflicts.

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    Li-Li Huang
    Professor and the chair of Institute of Learning Science, National Tsing-Hua University. Her researches include Indigenous Chinese Psychology of harmony and conflict, ethnic identity, and gender study, rights and duties. She is the Chief Editor of Chinese Journal of Psychology (2007). The relative papers on “The Double Identity of Taiwanese Chinese: A Dilemma of Politics and Culture Rooted in History” and “Social Dominance Orientation and Right Wing Authoritarianism as a Function of Political Party Preferences and Societal Change” got the Misumi Award 2005, 2008 respectively from Asian Association of Social Psychology. In 2009, She also got the “Outstanding Research Award” from the National Science Council, ROC (Taiwan).

    Address: Institute of Learning Science, National Tsing-Hua University, 101 Sec.2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan, ROC
    Tel: (o) +886-3-5742839; (h)+886-2-23621884
    E-mail: lilyhg2@mx.nthu.edu.tw


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    Irina Bondarevskaya (Ukraine)
    PhD, Associate Professor at Dnipropetrovsk National O. Gonchar University, Dnipropetrovsk.

    Papers in scientific journals:
    15 papers in the field of social psychology, gender psychology, organizational psychology, political psychology. Most recent of them are: Карьера и семья: гендерная идентичность женщин-менеджеров (теоретический анализ), Дніпропетровск [Career and family: gender identity of female managers (theoretical analysis), Dnipropetrovsk] (2010), Появ домінування та доброзичливості жінок-майбутніх менеджерів, Київ [Domination and friendliness of female future managers’ manifestation, Kyiv] (2010), Результати впровадження тренінгу: «Формування ґендерної компетентності жінок-менеджерів», Ялта [Results of training implementation: “Gender competence of female managers formation”, Yalta] (2010), Стилі міжособистісної взаємодії жінок-майбутніх менеджерів залежно від типу ґендерної ідентичності, Тернопіль [Female future managers’ interpersonal interaction styles depending on gender identity, Ternopil’] (2010), Теорія соціальних репрезентацій: напрямки сучасних досліджень у Європі, Київ [Social representations theory: directions of current research in Europe, Kyiv] (2010), Навчальна програма тренінгової форми: Кар’єра і сім’я: ґендерна ідентичність жінок-менеджерів, Київ [Training program: Career and family: gender identity of female managers, Kyiv] (2009).

    Contact: ibondarevskaya@yahoo.com; bondarevskaya@ua.fm


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    Marianna Tkalych (Ukraine)
    PhD, Associate Professor, chair of practical psychology, Co-Dean for Research, Zaporizhya National University, Ukraine

    30 papers in the field of gender psychology, organizational psychology, political psychology.
    1. Самоактуалізація менеджерів у професійно-управлінській діяльності (на матеріалі діяльності комерційних організацій): Монографія. – Київ-Запоріжжя, [Managers’ self-actualization in professional-managerial activity (in commercial organizations): Monograph. – Kyiv-Zaporizhya] (2009).
    2. Гендерна психологія: Навчально-методичний посібник. – Запоріжжя. [Gender Psychology, Zaporizhya] (2009).
    3. Експериментальна психологія: Навчально-методичний посібник – Запоріжжя. [Experimental Psychology, Zaporizhya] (2009).
    4. Емпіричне дослідження гендерних особливостей особистісної самоактуалізації менеджерів комерційних організацій. – Київ [Empirical research of gender peculiarities of manager’s professional self-actualization, Kyiv] (2009).
    5. Проблема задоволеності професійною діяльністю менеджерів комерційних організацій. – Київ [The problem of job’s satisfaction of managers, Kyiv] (2009)
    6. Особливості самоактуалізації менеджеріву різних типах комерційних організацій. – Харків [The pecularities of manager’s self-actualization in diffefent types of commercial organizations, Kharkiv] (2009).

    e-mail: tkalych@ua.fm

    Mailing adress:
    Ткалич Маріанна
    40 Років Радянської України б. 6 кв. 10
    69006 Запоріжжя
    (40 Rokiv Radyanskoi Ukrainy, 6/10, Zaporizhya, 69006, Ukraine)